Say hello to Chihuahua-VR box project

What is that?
As you can find on my blog (tag: VR) I have been working for few weeks on the 3D/VR real-time platform for streaming and communication. The main goal is to find the cutting edge technology which would allow to build an open hardware and software stack available for everyone interested in bridging the real world with VR world.
In short, I try to capture surrounding environment, process, convert to 3D convention, unify information and stream into the VR ready players.
There is still incredible amount of work to be done on the hardware and especially on the software side. Anyway, I am focused mostly on connecting bricks rather than implementing new stuff at the moment.
What is Chihuahua-VR?
During last year (2015), I was working on bringing a very interesting platform for real time VR streaming to the market. The project has been launched with huge success in my opinion. During development time we have combined a lot of technologies with a lot of power (read "SIZE"). To have some fun on the way, we called the biggest processing servers as BULLDOGs!
This project is about using the open hardware and software platforms to minimize the size and cost of VR devices, getting more people involved and bringing this kind of solutions on the next level.
My good friend and great open source engineer Tomasz Durka has proposed the most awesome name: Chihuahua-VR, which actually expresses everything what that new hardware/software stack will offer to the community. It should be cheap, small, portable, powerful, open for everyone.
Some (not serious) funny photo story to summarize main features...
(source: google engine inspired)
Logo idea
As every project also this one need some nice face. Let's design something soon...
(re-design by M.C.)
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in meeting the team and contribution to this project in any programming language (puppet, go, php, ruby, js, node.js, objective-c, java… and hardware, PCB, 3D printing, UI/UX, PR...).
See my contact page if required.