news (21)

X-Cores from Jetson Xavier AGX

New Jetson Xavier AGX with 32GB RAM and compute capability of 7.2 ! It delivers 32 TOPS for AI with its amazing X-Cores architecture! Flash Jetson OS - issue Unfortunately, I have experienced problems with loading JetPack 4.4.1 into Xavier…

RealSense D455 Stereo Camera from Intel

The new arrival in my home-lab. The Intel RealSense D455 stereo camera - just freshly released. It's made well and works out of the box. Next week will be testing the accuracy of the depth map and also the quality…

Moved to Barcelona

[2020/Q3] Quick update Last decade (in the world without COVID-19), I have shared my time between Los Angeles, London, Warsaw, Kyiv, and Beijing (see 2017-2020). In the new reality of 2020+, I have decided to move south of Europe and…

Book: The Nature of Code

During the Covid-19 lockdown, there is a lot of time for reading. There was a book on my shelf since 2013 which I did approach multiple times, but never lucky enough to take it properly and seriously. However, there is…

Moved to London

Quick update: I have just moved to London for a bit... I will try to get back to work on VR project as soon as possible. If anyone in London is willing to meet, share thoughts or create a team...

Enable Machine Self Learning elasticfeed is implementation of ICSE class architecture and provides flexible configuration model. This mode detects the type of input content and enables (configures) available plugins for storing, distribution and learning sections of JSON `Scenariofile` (see below) This mode allows to…

Thinking Fast and Slow

My highest recommendation for everyone interested in understanding the human nature of thinking. This book explains in details and step by step all aspects of pre-learning, predicting and learning. If you look for inspiration on the long way of AI…

VideoChat in Terminal

Absolutely awesome application for P2P Video Chat, written in C++. Check it out on Github This is easy to compile on OSX and to start video chat in less than minute. Please follow instructions of github readme. Have fun!

Weather in Terminal

Absolutely awesome application for weather forecast, written in Go. Check it out on Github

Infrastructure deployment with Puppet

After few months of hard work with new approach to infrastructure deployment I can say that the choice of using Puppet was very good. We reached our goals like: If you are interested in puppet please have a look on open…

CGroups for simple resources isolation and management

During migration from bare metal servers to cloud VMs I have met some problem with performance of puppet services. Basically every puppet-agent run consumes a lot of resources like CPU and memory. For any small box at AWS, Softlayer or…

Migration to Heroku App Cloud with UptimeRobot monitoring

After few hours of playing with Heroku and UptimeRobot I decided to move my blog (WordPress) and website (PHP) to new hosting cloud. So now it is running for free. Hopefully will be stable... Useful resources:

Open Source Report Card

For developers interested in some statistics I have found very interesting tool which summarizes our public activity on Github. Please have a look About me

CM framework is PUBLIC now

Cargomedia has released for public very interesting PHP/MVC framework which has been developed (with my contribution) by high qualified team of experts with unusual experience. CM runs in production as base for multi-milion users web applications with heavy load 24/7.

Bipbip agent for advanced and flexible server monitoring

I am pleased to announce that me and my team released very useful and elegant open source tool/agent for server monitoring. Bipbip is an agent written in ruby to collect server metrics and send them to the CopperEgg RevealMetrics platform. There are…

Jolla phone is here!

I have just received new Jolla phone (more at I had to wait almost 4 weeks but I think it was worth it! All I can say on this point is that I love "developer mode". It gives perfect gateway…

Pushing Your Meteor Project to Heroku

Meteor preparation Go to your meteor project folder: $ meteor bundle myproject.tar.gz $ tar -xf myproject.tar.gz $ cd bundle/ Reinstall fibers $ cd programs/server $ npm uninstall fibers $ sudo npm install fibers $ cd ../../ Heroku preparation Node.js Create package.json file.