nvidia (4)

X-Cores from Jetson Xavier AGX

New Jetson Xavier AGX with 32GB RAM and compute capability of 7.2 ! It delivers 32 TOPS for AI with its amazing X-Cores architecture! Flash Jetson OS - issue Unfortunately, I have experienced problems with loading JetPack 4.4.1 into Xavier…

Say hello to Chihuahua-VR box project

What is that? As you can find on my blog (tag: VR) I have been working for few weeks on the 3D/VR real-time platform for streaming and communication. The main goal is to find the cutting edge technology which would allow…

Wowza powered by M3 and G2 instances on AWS ?

This blogpost is continuation of ffmpeg/ffserver network latency benchmark. Today, I will focus on delay introduced by Wowza. As the previous blogpost showed the source of the delivery delay which is not the network latency but rather the computation itself…