Pushing Your Meteor Project to Heroku
Meteor preparation
Go to your meteor project folder:
$ meteor bundle myproject.tar.gz $ tar -xf myproject.tar.gz $ cd bundle/
Reinstall fibers
$ cd programs/server $ npm uninstall fibers $ sudo npm install fibers $ cd ../../
Heroku preparation
Create package.json
file. You can use example one or modify it for your needs:
{ "name": "metoer-heorku-example", "version": "0.0.1", "engines": { "node": "0.10.x", "npm": "1.3.x" } }
Create Procfile
file to provide launching instruction for heroku:
web: node main.js
Git preparation
$ git init $ git add . $ git commit -am "Init commit"
Heroku deployment
Create app
Make sure your local git repository exists on this stage. Heroku must add remote repository to your project.
$ heroku create $ heroku addons:add mongohq:sandbox
- Application will be created on this stage. Please notice that heroku will return URL for the application.
- MongoDB will be also created. To get URL for your new db please run
$ heroku config:get MONGOHQ_URL
- To make sure that heroku added remote repository you can do
git remote -v
. Heroku should be defined.
Meteor environment on heroku
$ heroku config:add ROOT_URL=<your_application_url> $ heroku config:add MONGO_URL=<your_application_mongo_url> $ heroku config:add PORT=<your_application_port> $ heroku config:add DISABLE_WEBSOCKETS=1
- <your_application_url> - this value comes from step 'Create app'
- <your_application_mongo_url> - this value comes from step 'Create app' / create mongo sandbox.
- <your_application_port> - typicaly should be set to
- DISABLE_WEBSOCKETS=1 - so far heroku cedar doesn't support native websockets
Push app
$ git push heroku master
Open in browser
$ heroku open
$ heroku ps:stop web $ heroku ps:start web $ heroku ps:restart web
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
$ heroku logs
$ heroku run bash
Have fun!